Monday, August 29, 2005


another crazy week at work!

hm.. well I don't mean to start of whining abt my job..but still.. this entire week was soo hectic and demanding.. that it even creeped... no screechingly intruded, messed up my weekend also.. It was histerical that my boss, in the middle of all this confusion and mayhem went to Dublin..!!!

I donno if its just amazon or in most of the companies.. it such a mess inside the company. I am really surprised how everything hasn't fallen off the roofs... how everything is still surviving without breaking.. we have soo many systems .. so many software packages, code that can very well break and go hayward.. well its really surprising and interesting..too..

preethi..had come here this weekend and i was hoping to spend my sweet entire time with her.. but damn.. these guys bug me soo much.. people from work were callign asking for help.. and I had to wrk for quite a lot of error during this weekend.. the interesting things is that ever directors n senior managers were online ..working with me at wees hours of 1am in the morning.. just like any other softwre engineer... it funny, at one end and pathetic too..

well..if they have to work n weekends and late nighsts.. how am I excused..!!!

so u r working!!!
yes da..I am working..
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