Thursday, September 22, 2005


Preethi is comign to Seattle... finally coming to Seattle..for good.. for another atleast 1yr..

great.. this has finally happened.. after a long wait.. ooohoo.!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


google is offering free Wifi in bay area...coool..

this is really coool.. google is offering free wifi... in bay area..

Sunday, September 18, 2005


seven things....

ok.. due to popular demand.. (shaan my dear..friends thanks for this..!!) here I go..

"I got tagged!!" (donno wat the hell is this..!!)

Seven things that I dream and wish for:

1) Fly out to space.. and for few minutes.. look down at earth..that would be the most spectacular sight .. i guess.... wish that would happen..

2) I wish there is no poverty and inequality in this world..everyone is equal and there is much more peace in this world.. no terrorism and no killing people for the sake of money..

3) I dream and wish that before I die.. I am able to witness India as a well developed and economically well established gloabl power.. n banish all those mean, filthy, heartless, incorrigibly insane idiotic Indian politicians..

4) I really want to become a film star.. just for the hec of it..for all its glamor and also for the thrill of it..


(hm..maybe I don't that many big dreams..hehe!)

Seven things that I want to do:

1) Become the Chief minister of tamil nadu first .. and then become prime minister of India.. to achieve my dreams..

2) Travel all over the world, Europe, Hawai, Australia, Amazon, all many more.. all islands..all beaches.. and all resorts. I am not mad abt going to antartica though..for some reason..

3) Start a school/college/univ and hospital in India.. for doing pioneering things.. becoz this is the foundation of any welfare..

4) I want to be more less emotional and more flexible in accepting people..and trying to understand them.. I am getting there actualy.. these past few days have been good..with Preethi making me realize and understand a lot of things..

5) I want to be more soft when I am angry.. I get really hard on people when I am angry. This single aspect of mine has played a vital role in my family in ways how they intepret me and how they understand me.. and now more than anybody Preethi is getting hurt and its bad treatment to give for my love whose gonna live with me forever..

6) I want to be really fit..and maintain my body, health in good shape..

7) I want to really learn dance..
7a) I want to learn Samurai Fighting (inspired from the movie "Last Samurai")
7b) I want to learn rockclimbing.. (inspirtations from my American roomie..)
7c) I want to learn gymnasm.. (inspirations from "spiderman" movie..)

Seven Sexy Actresses:

1) Aishwarya Rai ... shez my all time angel.. she simply is awesome..

2) Manish Koirala.. just got crazy on her after bombay and Indian.. (songs of her jogging in both films)

3) Salma Heik (pardon me for the spelling..!) .. aah..she soo cute in "wild wild west" and one other "matter" movie ;-) ..!!

4) Angelina Jolie.... irreverant Shan.. her looks.. aah..

5) Kajol --- again her..eyes.. awesome.. If there is one actress I go crazy for expressions.. that is Kajol. Her expressions are way too awesome.. I simply love.. that.. well more than.. the many "best actress" awards that she has won. shez definitely made a mark in the film industry and will be remembered as an angel..

6) Asin...she simply very cute.. malabar mami.. suuupper..

7) Simran, Sneha, Isha Gopikar (she has wonderfull smile and eyes..)...

seven films that I love are: (well I am just ball parking..)

1) Devar magan -- I can give oscar award just for that 10min sceene between Kamal ad the great Shivaji Ganesan. To be honest he beat Kamal by 10times in acting in just that one scene.

2) Matrix -- The things that you can do are only limited by your mental powers.. this concept has seeped into me and I love this movie just for this concept..

3) Independence Day -- First and a class apart movie..on Alienation.. very stylish.. and very brilliant movie..

4) Titanic -- Wonderfull Love story..

5) Rajini Movies (Badsha, Thalapathi, Annamalai, the film where he comes as "Alex Pandian" police) -- just for hec of his style ...suuper starna suuper star thaan..

6) Minnale --- Madhavan was amazin in this movie..and it was classic style..

7) Dil Chahta Hai --- One of the best hindi movie I have ever seen.. Simply suuperb..
7a) DDLJ -- SRK and Kajol...
7b) KKHH -- SRK and Kajol ... their magic is never ending..

Seven things that attract mosy in opposite sex:

1) Eyes -- by all means they just simple get me crazy..

2) Lips and smile -- This is the almost the firs that gets me offgaurd...

3) boobs -- hehe ... naughty me...

4) bublly ass -- hehe ..again naughty me..

5) Hair -- long and silky hair are symblolism of angel..

6) madipamsa.. ...:-)

7) fingers and hands .. I simply love..when Preethi toches me..her soft cute fingers.. alofts me to heaven...

seven things that I cannot do:

1) Cannot stop dreaming

2) Cannot stop doing thing untill the last minute and cannot stop planning so horribly bad that I end up doing everything only in the last minute.. (courtesy Preethi..for pointing this out..very blatantly..)

3) Cannot stop eating...

4) Cannot stop ogling at every other boobs that passes by...:-D

5) Cannot stop thinking abt India

6) Cannot stop getting excited when listening to good music.. (ah..well.this is for getting the numbers..)

7) Cannot stop thinking my preethi.. :-D

Seven People that I admire n Salute:

1) Albert Einstein -- My All time hero and god

2) Gandhiji -- My all time hero for devouting his life.. for the single cause of uplifting others..

3) Abraham Lincoln -- Just heard abt him ..not read abt him much..but that has said enough..

4) ...

5) ...

6) Preethi -- maybe this is what everyother guys says abt her girl friend.. shez different.. ah..well..everyone has their own reasons for choosing his girl.. and I am sure in every case.. she has made a difference in his life..and perhaps that is why he ended up loving her for life.. and thatz the same with me too..

7) My DAD -- Last but not the least.. and the most..influencial.. has been my dad.. I have revered him, admired him for a countless number fo things.. I have also hated some of his personalities. but still he has been my guidance.. n my philosophical reference. I have grown from the morals that he has nourished in to me, which when I think introspectively, form my core personality as man now.

Seven Inventions and Discoveries that I think are absolutely remarkable:

1) The Discovery n Understanding of Space: By far the most remarkable and awe inspiring discovery has been that of indentifying earth as yet another peice of mass in this boundless Universe. Every step towards understanding this is unique and remarkable becoz it is something that is limited only by imagination and mental abilities..

2) Telephone -- not bcoz I owe to Graham Bell for providing me a means to communicate to my love...:-) but.. truly this has been the most influenctial invention of our present day civilization -- connecting people..

3) Aeroplanes -- kudos to wright brothers.. it is not something that is not utterly required or not something that has changed or influenced civilization.. but I think it is one of the greatest inventions.. becoz.. we are conquering the air .. the simplest thought of flying.. sparks awe ...

4) Electromagnetism -- I some how have a great fascination for this .. its soo cool... it has influenced soo much of our lives.. wireless communications, satellites, and much more..

5) ....

6) ...

7) ...

ah..well i'll fill the rest of the stuff...when I think of it..:-)

Monday, September 12, 2005


IPOD nano... Sleeek!!

These guys!!
Introducing IPOD Nano.... cool..

The iPod nano, Apple's newest and smallest music player, measures 3.5 by 1.6 by .27 inches, and weighs 1.5 ounces. (Apple Computer Inc.) --- Isn;t this amazing..


Wednesday, September 07, 2005


double whammy..!!

After a really long time.. when all our resources had been drained to the last drop (practically the refrigerator was empty..!!) my great roomie and myself pulled ourself together, after several reschedules n postponment due our so called extremely tight schedule, to go to super market and buy groceries..

we were soo enthusiasitic.. to be said sarcastically ... that we ended up buying each and every item twice..!! we only had one shopping cart, both of us were dumping all that we wanted, naturally a big list.. , and it happened that both of us were dumping in the same set of items..

what we ended up with..

2 sets of tomotto purree..

2 sets of califlower.

4 sets of TIDE (turned out to be 4 in the end as each bought 2!!)

2 sets of roti

2 sets of tomotoes

2 sets of salt

2 sets of *.*... basically..!!

the funniest part is that.. in the end my roomie was in cash register paying the bills.. and the bill came to $220/- when it could have been well below $150/-!! and he did pay the bill.. without even noticing that everything was being billed twice..!!

my roomie..challenging n on par with me on carelessnes...:-)).. !!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Katrina Vs Mumbai...!

Couldn't stop myself from making this comparison..

Couldn't stop myself from putting this in my blog..

oops...i sure got the the last fact wrong!!!


India has time and again proved that it can no longer be called as a "third world coutry". I hope this sinks deep into the hearts of all Indians who live in India becoz it is imperative that they actually realize this; only and only then can India come out of all shackles to become the "WORLD LEADER"

Saturday, September 03, 2005


funny aspect of airhosts

actually I just noticied an interesting and funny thing that happened when I was flying from Seattle to Washington D.C... well actually have been noticing this for a while just striked me.. this time..

it is so funny that almost 99% of the time I do not wear my seat belts during flight take off and landing.. just that I didn' t like..nothing more than that.. basically... eveytime the airhostess would come by each and every row to check if the passengers have their seatbelts fastened.. and everytime they cross my aile too.. checking on my aile too.. but never..except for just once.. (was actually happy since I got to talk with this awesome sexy airhostes.. :-)!! have they caught me not wearing the sealt belts..

its just funny happens again n again..n again..:-) and I always keep escaping..:-)

Friday, September 02, 2005


hm..ironic title??!!

hm..ironic title for my blog..too..isn't it..?!!!

well i just noticed actually after..soo much whining and crying..
hm..well ...will be posting..the happier part of life..from now..:-))


one more crazy weekk.. :-((

well..its defintely not whining..guys.. you got to take sympathy on me..

this week was again..crazy.. monday morning.. ,frustated was I already from a horrible weekend.. turned horrible as I was working and doing some stupid build/deployment stuff for a project lauch.. which was a disaster for no mistake of mine.. ,

I go into work and literally the entire day was spent in meetings n planning ..on.and on.. well i can't blame, perhaps only this time, that the meeting were as usual worthless, as we indeed come with a plan for getting things done..which in fact turned out to work for us..

but still the entire meetings..phew.!! I quite often feel that I am doing more of a managerial a TPM (technical project manager) in Amazonian terms...when I actually want to be a SDE (Software Development Engineer).. organizing, co-ordinating and delegating works has been my main job...!!!

call it irony, fate or perphaps fortune to be nicer.. I have been playing this role for a long time.. !! Seriously..not at work.. but during my college days.. I never used technically sound.. ok..not in normal terms.. from software coding and programming perspective I never used to be good at it ..even during college days.. I used to be good in ideas..and logic..but never good at actually implementing it.. and this the same role I am playing now also..

I have been extremely good in organizing and managing projects (touchwood..!!) ..playing a leadership role.. but have never been managed.. in the sense that I want to be doing stuff..not asking some one to do a stuff.. I want to be self reliant and not be depending on someone.. I know that;s what managers do.. :-) ..but I don't want to be one..

well its definitely irony of life i guess..

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